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Starting a Software Project Right

Valerian Valerian
February 27, 2023
3 min read
Table of Contents

Start with a One-Pager and Get Moving

Forget the sprawling documents and endless tickets. Just focus on a single page that lays down the essentials:

  1. Why are we doing this project?
    What’s the big picture? Why are we putting time, money, and people into this? Get that clear upfront.

  2. Project Objectives
    What are we aiming for? Set the objectives so everyone knows the end goal.

  3. Success Criteria
    How will we know when we’ve nailed it? Define what counts as a win.

  4. Initial Needs
    What’s necessary to get this off the ground? List the initial requirements you know about.

  5. Constraints
    What’s standing in the way? Identify limitations so there aren’t surprises later.

That’s it. A single page. No one needs to read a 200-page manifesto or sift through 2,000 tickets.

Next Steps

  1. Make sure the whole dev team reads and understands this page. Get everyone on the same page.
  2. Plan to evolve the project with the client. Regular updates, check-ins. Avoid the giant reveal a year down the line.
  3. Set up a communication rhythm that works for the client. Daily? Weekly? Find the sweet spot.
  4. Nail down the first concrete step with the client. Just one. Then start moving.

Then we start building. First step first, then iterate and deliver in pieces. Always keep feedback flowing. Don’t let the team go dark for weeks on end. Two weeks without talking to the client? Already too long.

Sounds too wild? Think it through. What’s crazier: writing a 200 pages specifications document no one will actually read that’s outdated the minute it’s out the door? Paying big money for consultants to create plans that won’t hold up for more than two weeks once real work begins? Watching the team get stretched thin across dozens of tasks, scattered focus, nothing delivered?

Write the one-pager. Stick it to the wall. And start building.